
Download free BIM Objects Novacolor - Decorative finishes

Decorative finishes


Metallo_Fuso is a decorative coating for interior vertical surfaces, made from selected metal alloy powders, bi-component epoxy resin compounds, fi
Decorative finishes

Marmur Fine

Lime-based trowel coating with marble powder for interiors and exteriors.
Decorative finishes

Antiche Patine

Fase silossanica for velatura in synthetic and siloxane surfaces.  
Decorative finishes

Marmur Medio

Lime-based trowel coating with marble powder for interiors and exteriors.
Decorative finishes


Faux finish for interiors and exteriors with stone or “ancient patina" effect
Decorative finishes

Dune Opaco

Dune Opaco is a finish for interior decoration, based on charges with a faintly metallized opaque effect.
Decorative finishes

Luce_Wall Painting

Luce_Wall Painting is a finish for interior decoration based on metallic charges, selected charges, which produce a softly metallized effect.
Decorative finishes


Decorative architectural trowel-on coating with stunning metallic patterns.
Decorative finishes


Decorative architectural trowel-on coating with silk effects, available in 15 ready colors.
Decorative finishes


Textured metallic decorative finish for interiors, available as silver and gold base.
Decorative finishes

Marmorino KS

Mineral lime-based finish for smoothing and finishing with a satin effect for interiors and exteriors.
Decorative finishes


Intonachino decorativo a base di calce con effetti oro, argento e bronzo per interni ed esterni. 
Decorative finishes


A gently metallic texture for interiors, with soft pearl effects.
Decorative finishes

Archi + Concrete

Mineral plaster coat in powder for interiors and exteriors, for cement effects.  
Decorative finishes

Archi + Big

Mineral plaste coat in powder with big grain.  
Decorative finishes


An interior mineral decorative coating