
Download free Catalogues Varaschin - Furniture


Outdoor Cooking Table

Designers Pio and Tito Toso enrich the Outdoor Cooking by Varaschin kitchen with an essential element to complete the room: the table.

Customade Extendable Table

Synthesis, conviviality and pleasure are embodied in the extending table from the Customade collection designed by architect Alain Gilles for Varaschin.

Customade Coffee Table

Varaschin's Customade collection is completed with the coffee table, suitable for furnishing outdoor environments such as poolside and gardens.

Customade Fixed Table

The Customade collection designed by Alain Gilles for Varaschin is enriched with a fixed table.

Belt Air

Designer: Daniele Lo Scalzo Moscheri  The Belt Air sofa takes up the aesthetic and design principles of Belt. Belt Air introduces less rounded shapes, supported by thin aluminium or polymethylmethacrylate supports, giving the impression of appearing almost magically suspended.