
Download free Technical informations Novacolor - Decorative finishes

Decorative finishes

Marmur Fine

Lime-based trowel coating with marble powder for interiors and exteriors.
Decorative finishes


Decorative architectural trowel-on coating with stunning metallic patterns.
Decorative finishes


Decorative architectural trowel-on coating with silk effects, available in 15 ready colors.
Decorative finishes


Textured metallic decorative finish for interiors, available as silver and gold base.
Decorative finishes

Marmorino KS

Mineral lime-based finish for smoothing and finishing with a satin effect for interiors and exteriors.
Decorative finishes


Intonachino decorativo a base di calce con effetti oro, argento e bronzo per interni ed esterni. 
Decorative finishes


A gently metallic texture for interiors, with soft pearl effects.
Decorative finishes

Archi + Big

Mineral plaste coat in powder with big grain.