Facade coverings Variazioni SanMarco variations are your customised facade, created with the targeted blend of SanMarco's soft mud bricks.
Facade coverings Classico Classico is bright beyond compare with crystalline reflections and colours that evoke a timeless atmosphere; it is a p
Facade coverings Antico Antico is an antique "soft mud" facing brick line: its irregular surfaces and delicate sand-blasted features depict cr
Facade coverings Dogi The Dogi is extraordinary with an extremely fascinating smooth wall, moulded and blended over the years.
Facade coverings MAAX SanMarco has renewed the terracotta transforming it into a ductile material, modern and sharp, also suitable for more
Facade coverings Terrae Padane Terrae Padane is the new range of SanMarco products available in colours: Giallo Paglierino, Rosato
Facade coverings Vivo This is an exclusive facing brick line finish without sand on the surface, reflecting light incomparably.