Finiture decorative, Design Pieces

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Design Pieces is the new signature collection by Novacolor, that puts together architectural elements, like tailor-made panels, to enhance any interior space with colors and textures. Design Pieces offers an attentive selection of decorative effects, created by Novacolor color designers to perfectly match, with their versatility, any chromatic choice. True paintings on wood, decorated with modern imitations of concrete, oxidation effects as well as...Leggi di più

Design Pieces is the new signature collection by Novacolor, that puts together architectural elements, like tailor-made panels, to enhance any interior space with colors and textures. Design Pieces offers an attentive selection of decorative effects, created by Novacolor color designers to perfectly match, with their versatility, any chromatic choice. True paintings on wood, decorated with modern imitations of concrete, oxidation effects as well as classical and marbleized textures obtained with a traditional material such as lime. A collection, that is meant to expand year by year, thanks to the contribution of international architects and designers.

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