

WallPepper®/Group leverages on the tradition of wallpaper to realize massive images through state-of-the-art print techniques.

The brand developed from the concept of wall as personal expression and aims at interpreting the latest trends in interior design, with graphics inspired by nature, urban contexts, abstract textures and material-like surfaces.

The various graphics contained in WallPepper®/Group catalogue are adapted based on the surface dimensions, which makes them ideal to add value and character to any environment.

WallPepper®Group puts a whole world in a small wallpaper roll: two-dimensional or three-dimensional, natural or urban, abstract or timeless; and, above all, promotes a sustainable attitude, as each product is only made by eco-friendly materials, which are fundamental for a contemporary living experience.



Wonderland - WP2021

Wonderland belongs to the WP2021 that also includes many subjects dedicated to the client’s creat...


Wood - Up To Date

Wood belongs to the Up To Date collection that also includes 58 subjects dedicated to the modern ...


Wuthering Heights - Levante

Wuthering heights belongs to the Levante collection that also includes 36 subjects dedicated to t...


Yokohama - WP2021

Yokohama belongs to the WP2021 that also includes many subjects dedicated to the client’s creativ...


Zebras - Online Selection

Zebras belongs to the Online Selection collection that also includes 147 subjects dedicated to th...