It’s a work in progress for the second edition of the international review dedicated to interiors, on newsstands this November. Plus: a special prize and a New Talent category, promoted alongside Dexelance with an open call.

Elle Decor Italia, the international magazine for design, trends, furniture, lifestyle, architecture and art, has always explored interior design through studies covering not only the private and residential dimension but also other contexts, from retail spaces to offices and hospitality environments. In order to outline the broader international panorama, Elle Decor Italia launched Best of Interiors in 2023, a special issue dedicated entirely to interiors, complete with an extensive directory of international studies and an original outlook on contemporary living.


Best of Interiors is an observatory of excellence placing interior design center stage, articulated across 10 categories: Apartment, Villa, City Hotel, Resort, Spa, Renovation, Restaurant, Retail Space, Office and Sustainable Project. The 2024 issue, however, will present an expanded format with the introduction of an 11th category — New Talent — dedicated to young professionals. The review will therefore develop in two directions: on the one hand through the involvement of international studios invited directly by Elle Decor Italia to highlight the most interesting projects in the field of interior design. On the other hand, there’s the dedicated platform, which will launch an open call reserved for new talents. For the second year now, a showcase of the most outstanding projects will be published in the Best of Interiors collector's issue, on newsstands November 7, 2024.

Ph credit Ernesta Caviola Ph credit Ernesta Caviola


To complete the initiative, the 2024 edition will introduce the Best of Interiors Award, recognizing the best project in each of the 11 categories, along with its creator(s). The award ceremony will take place in November, in the prestigious Museo del Novecento in Milan.


The eleventh category, a new entry reserved for emerging talents and promoted in partnership with Dexelance — one of the most important Italian groups in the field of high-quality design — aims to broaden the horizon of research and support new proposals. So how can you participate? will accept self-submitted applications from emerging creatives, which will then be selected by the committee composed of Elle Decor Italia,, Elle Decor US, Elle Decor Japan and Dexelance.


Ph credit Ernesta Caviola
Ph credit Ernesta Caviola
Ph credit Silvana Spera
Ph credit Silvana Spera