Modern Office Interior Design Ideas for Kitchen, Pantry and Waiting Areas by Yantram Interior Concept Drawings

Modern Office Interior Design Ideas for Kitchen, Pantry and Waiting Areas by Yantram Interior Concept Drawings
Commercial Modern Interior Office Design Ideas for your commercial office. 3 Renders includes all different ares with decent furniture like Waiting area, Refresh Bar, Kitchen, dining area, pantry area, work stations, computers, Wardrobes, conference room, unique ceiling, attractive light wood oak flooring, modern carpet with detailed texturing of wall. For work, professional, DIY, for small space, creative, business, organization, desk, design, corporate, on a budget, interior, room, company, executive, black, grey, paint, storage, Waiting area, Refresh Bar, Kitchen, dining area, pantry area, work stations, computers, Wardrobes, conference room, unique ceiling, chair, table, sofa.

Domenica, Luglio 16, 2017 - 08:32

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