UNIT Studio

UNIT Studio

Render services


Paese : IT
Città : Piove di Sacco
Codice postale : 35028
Indirizzo : Via Madonna delle Grazie 5

UNIT STUDIO uses digital graphics for presentations in architecture, engineering, furniture and design sector, and is essential for any product manufacturing industry. The use of digital technology improves upon the traditional methods of project representation via high-impact forms of expression. Photo-realistic renderings, animation and three-dimensional real-time navigation help to thoroughly express any project idea to those who are not provided with specific knowledge. UNIT STUDIO is the brainchild of Simone Boldrin, Enrico Fanton and Matteo Ranzato. Evolved through a multi-year collaborative relationship that resulted in the establishment of the architectural and graphics firm, UNIT STUDIO has developed numerous partnerships with professionals and companies in key industries such as Construction, Furniture, Design, Art, Fashion, as well as firms with training facilities and the publishing house Imago Edizioni. - 3D Modeling and Rendering - Lighting and Materials evaluation - Photo-montage and photo editing - Posters, brochures and catalogs - Video and animated presentations UNIT Studio promueve una alta gama de servicios de gráfica digital para la arquitectura, ingenieria, industria manufacturera, decoración y diseño. El uso de técnicas digitales integra los métodos tradicionales de presentación de proyectos con formas expresivas de gran impacto. Rendering fotorealista, animaciones tridimensionales y la navegación en tiempo real permiten exponer la idea de diseño incluso a aquellos que no disponen de conocimientos específicos. UNIT Studio es una idea original de Simone Boldrin, Enrico Fanton y Matteo Ranzato evolucionada, a través de una relación de colaboración de varios años que dio lugar a la creación de la empresa de arquitectura y gráfica. El estudio ha desarrollado numerosos acuerdos de colaboración con profesionales y empresas en industrias claves como la construcción, decoración, diseño, industria, arte, moda, así como con instalaciones de formación y con la Casa Imago Edizioni. - Modelación 3D y renderizado - Estudio de iluminación y materiales - Fotomontajes y edición de fotos - Carteles, folletos y catálogos - Videos y presentaciones animadas UNIT STUDIO utilizza la grafica digitale per la rappresentazione in architettura, ingegneria, nel settore dell'arredo e del design, e per qualsiasi prodotto dell'industria manifatturiera. L'uso delle tecniche digitali integra i tradizionali metodi di rappresentazione del progetto con forme espressive di grande impatto. Rendering fotorealistici, animazioni tridimensionali e navigazione in tempo reale consentono di esporre l’idea progettuale anche a chi non è fornito di specifiche conoscenze. UNIT STUDIO è nato da un’idea di Simone Boldrin, Enrico Fanton e Matteo Ranzato, come evoluzione di un rapporto di collaborazione pluriennale maturato con la costituzione di uno studio di architettura e grafica. Lo studio ha all’attivo numerose collaborazioni con professionisti e società del settore edile, dell’arredo, del design, dell’industria, dell’arte, della moda, con strutture di formazione e con la casa editrice Imago Edizioni. - Modellazione 3D e rendering - Studio di illuminazione e materiali - Fotomontaggi e fotoritocco - Cartellonistica, brochure e cataloghi - Video e presentazioni animate


Banca Svizzera

Descrizione: Concorso di architettura per la realizzazione della nuova sede di una banca svizzera. Progetto: Canevascini&Corecco (Lugano - Svizzera) Luogo: Lugano Anno: 2010 Render: U...

Torre EVA

Descrizione: Torre vetrata che ospita uffici a destinazione commerciale_direzionale Luogo: Venezia Anno: in corso Render: UNIT Studio


Attico con terrazza Luogo: Mirano (VE) Render: UNIT Studio

Attico Padova

Palazzo Pontecorvo Progetto: Architetto Massimo Asci Luogo: Padova Render: UNIT Studio

Art Gallery

Galleria di opere d'arte virtuale Artista: Dartio Mardegan Luogo: Venezia Render: UNIT Studio


Hotel Gimm Descrizione: studio di una soluzione d'arredo della hall d'ingresso e della terrazza esterna Progetto: Creo's (TV) e UNIT Studio (PD) Luogo: Bibione (VE) Render: UNIT Studio ...

Architecture by night

Render in ambientazione notturna di progetti di architettura Progettisti: vari Render: UNIT Studio

Alloggi a Pordenone

Render del progetto Committente: Studio tecnico Geom. Giovanni Coluccia - Prata di Pordenone Impresa Sian Giuseppe - Prata di Pordenone

Palais Lumiere - Exterior renderings

Palais Lumiere is the Pierre Cardin's skyscraper, thought to be built in the wonderful Venice.

Palais Lumiere - Interior renderings

Palais Lumiere is the Pierre Cardin's skyscraper, thought to be built in the wonderful Venice.

Mediterranean terrace

Still renderings about a single family house in Pordenone.

Single family house

Renderings of a single family house in Pordenone.

Mediterranean terrace

Mediterranean terrace at sunset and night time. The renderings are finally post-producted with color grading.

Sustainable residential quarter

A new sustainable residential quarter in Venice, included several type of buldings: single house family, semi-detached house, dwelling and villas provided by a swimming pool. The quarter...

Furniture - Lamps

UNIT Studio realize 3D models of furniture based on customer requests, finalizing the interior design project by photo-realistic rendering. We usually model 3D furniture starting by photo...

Funiture - Outdoor

UNIT Studio realize 3D models of furniture based on customer requests, finalizing the interior design project by photo-realistic rendering. We usually model 3D furniture starting by photo...

Tables and Chairs

UNIT Studio realize 3D models of furniture based on customer requests, finalizing the interior design project by photo-realistic rendering. We usually model 3D furniture starting by photo...

Kitchen Accessories

UNIT Studio realize 3D models of furniture based on customer requests, finalizing the interior design project by photo-realistic rendering. We usually model 3D furniture starting by photo...

Jacuzzi Infinito - Photo stage

A virtual stage to represent Infinito, a design bath tub by Jacuzzi, the most famous brand on luxury sanitaryware. The stage and the bath-tub are realized in 3dsmax while accessories was added later ...

Shoe Design

Shoe of design test by UNIT Studio Our company has the aim to continually evolve with 3D graphics techniques, applying to areas external of the common architecture and desing, such as fas...

Executive office

EVA Tower in Venice - Executive office. A directional centrer close to Venice hosted EVA a shine glass tower. Inside there are multi-functional spaces, as office, halls, recreative areas and confe...

Italian Villa

Modern villa located in the north-east of Italy, characterized by a marble facade and large windows that look out onto a large garden allowing a fantastic view from living room and kitchen. The inte...

Oggetti in vendita

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