Finiture decorative, Teodorico

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Decorative lime-based coating with gold, silver or bronze highlights for interiors and exteriors. 


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Decorative lime-based coating with gold, silver or bronze highlights for interiors and exteriors. 


Teodorico is a lime-based finishing plaster coat, specially formulated for the decoration of prestigious interior and exterior, made of hydrated putty, fine marble powder, selected inert and rheological modifiers, which guarantees a perfect workability of the product.With its formulation, Teodorico permits to achieve a uniform and semi-polished finishing coat, similar to marble stone, creating soft and vibrant shades.Teodorico is indicated for the decoration of prestigious exterior and interior surfaces. Natural lime plasters represent Teodorico's most suitable substrate, since the product reacts chemically with them, building up a unique “body” able to preserve the lime coating for a longer period of time. In addition Teodorico allows to obtain an extremely elegant decoration of interiors.

Following the correct instructions for the surface preparation, Teodorico may also be applied on:

- Lime and cement mortars.

- Premixed renderings.

- Pre-existing lime and gypsum plasters.

- Gypsum plasterboard.

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