Surfaces that convey profound emotions, telling tales that never lose their fascination. Graphic and visual languages that provide architecture with an extra dimension: storytelling. Glamora expresses this vision of wallcoverings, in a collection that allows designers to create solutions that are unique every time, communicating the essence of each environment.Read more
Surfaces that convey profound emotions, telling tales that never lose their fascination. Graphic and visual languages that provide architecture with an extra dimension: storytelling. Glamora expresses this vision of wallcoverings, in a collection that allows designers to create solutions that are unique every time, communicating the essence of each environment.
This is Glamora: a young and adventurous Italian company that perceives the wallcovering as a new means of expression, where art and design, sartorial craftsmanship and digital technology, natural sensations and innovative trends meet and merge together. It is thanks to this alchemy and to the collaboration with internationally renowned designers – such as Doriana and Massimiliano Fuksas, Nigel Coates and Karim Rashid - as well as up-and-coming design talent from the world of fashion and the visual and graphic arts, that the Glamora collection is brought to life. An ever-evolving portfolio that explores the most varied themes, from the archetypal memory to the poetry of nature or the charm of vintage atmospheres. Glamora: a new way of imagining, covering and inhabiting the space.