Decorative finishes, Eclat_Wall Painting

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Decorative coating for exterior with metallic effects


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Decorative coating for exterior with metallic effects


Eclat_Wall Painting is a decorative finish for exteriors with metallic effect. The light reflected from the surface influences the final aesthetic effect. It will be distinguished by tiny spots of light able to create a 3D effect of brightness.

Eclat_Wall Painting creates a protective coating with excellent water repellency and good permeability that gives the finishing excellent breathability and good resistance to rain.
Eclat_Wall Painting is suitable for the application in harsh environmental conditions and climates characterized by strong seasonal temperature changes.

Thanks to its particular formulation and the presence of anti-mold additives, it preserves treated surfaces from molds, algae and moss even in the case of application on thermal insulation system.

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Available downloads

BIM files for Autodesk Revit - RFA

Textures for other softwares

Material library for Autodesk 3ds Max - mat

BIM Files for Autodesk Revit - Adsklib


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