Novello Case is a company specialized in the production of wooden houses, which stands for ecology, safety, sustainability and energy saving. It was founded in 1956 as a small family-run company, and it invested energy and resources in the field of green building until it got to develop the “Environment” Division in 2008, dedicated to sustainable architecture. To celebrate the company's commitment in this area, with significant investments in research and development, Novello Case recently held a special Open Day last September 26: a day devoted to this material, an opportunity to discover the green building projects and learn about sustainable building techniques.

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The new Novello's headquarters was chosen as the background of the event: it is the largest wooden building in industrial use in Europe, for a total of 17 thousand square meters. A significant meeting point for a day that saw the wood and its possible uses in green architecture as guest stars.

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A great success for what could be the first of a series of events. Ultimate goal: to spread eco-friendly culture which underpins the philosophy of Novello.

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Just in the last months, the Green Building Council released the Green Building Economic Study 2015, a document that highlights the continued growth of this sector. Only in 2014 in the United States has given work to more than 2 million people. The USGBC is the body that certifies the sustainability in buildings. According to the report, the sustainable architecture industry has grown by 15 times and only in 2014 in this area were invested 129 billion – about 112 billion.

Syncronia Magazine

Editore: Syncronia SRL - Via Enrico Morozzo della Rocca, 8 - 20123 Milano Tel. +39 02 36752 234‬ Fax: +39 02 36752 235‬

Proprietario: STRIM Holding SRL

Direttore: Marco Mignatti

Hosting: Aruba SPA