309 Biopittura Vellutata

Biopainting for interiors that allows to obtain a very pleasant velvety touch finish, opaque, ideal for prestigious and representative environments, living room and bedrooms, also for treatments with shaving and stucco. 309 Biopittura Vellutata decorates the environment, decorating the wall with striking, elegant and harmonious solutions. It is an interior paint with high technical performance, high yield, excellent coverage, excellent breathability and, above all, excellent washability (class 2). 309 Biopittura Vellutata is unbeatable for an application on walls to be treated with leveling and stucco. Its special formulation gives the product the power to make the wall resistant to dirt, wear and friction, preserving the clean and bright White for a long time. This is why 309 Biopittura Vellutata is the interior solution also suitable for the most lived-in rooms of the house and for those with the highest traffic, such as corridors, entrances and stairs, where the wall is more subject to wear. 309 Biopittura Vellutata is a paint designed to allow easy application of the product on the walls.

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